hey ya’ll!
I’m amanda!

I started Paint It Pretty to help supplement my income as a school teacher by painting shoes and canvas banners. After about a year, I decided to try my hand at painting classes. I did my first class with my 3rd grade students, 7 years ago. We had a blast and I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. Then came a few birthday parties, private parties, and my first open paint class. I’ve never looked back and I was able to resign from my teaching position in 2019 and follow my dreams with Paint It Pretty. I cant wait to see what is coming next.
I started my own painting classes because I wanted to offer a more hands on approach to creating a masterpiece. Being a school teacher taught me that not everyone learns the same way, and not everyone can be as successful as others just by following instructions. Sometimes people need to hear what to do in a different way or be shown what to do and led, one on one. Painting students are no different than school students. My goal is to work with each painter in a way that works for them. Sometimes that means I don’t have to help at all. Other times it means I scoot you out of your chair to give a helping hand to ensure your painting comes out just as you wanted.
I also wanted to offer more practical paintings that could be used for holidays or something that my customers would actually hang up and not throw in the dumpster as soon as they got home or shove in the back of the closet. I also wanted to approach how the class was lead in a different way as well. I started off offering stenciled canvas pieces, offering more than one painting option at each class and being there to guide and lend a hand when needed. After a few years, I tried offering wood cutouts at a few classes, which turned out to be a huge hit and now I only offer wood cutouts. I still offer any design at any class and I will always be there to guide and lend a hand.
And no matter what, my goal is to insure that your finished masterpiece is something you are proud of and will use year after year.